6/29 [The Baobab Network 社のアフリカスタートアップ分析レポート]


また、エジプトの物流会社であるKhazenlyが、Arzan Venture CapitalとShorooq Partnersが主導するシード資金調達ラウンドで250万ドルを確保したニュースやLaunch Africa Venturesが、3,630万ドルで1号ファンドをクローズしたことなどが紹介されています。



TThis week, an Egyptian start-up that has raised a big seed round is introduced.

Also the news thatEgyptian logistics company, Khazenly, has secured $2.5 million USD in a seed funding round co-led by Arzan Venture Capital and Shorooq Partners, Launch Africa Ventures recently announced the close of their first fund at $36.3 million USD, and so on are introduced.

The news report is filled with exciting local African information. Please enjoy!

Teaser’s full report  is  available for ZENMONDO Club members.

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Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,