12/7 The Bapbab network Report _ LGT Lightstone lead Copia Global’s $26m Series B

ケニアのモバイルコマースプラットフォームの Copia Global(Eコマースや小売業が正規ルートでは簡単に侵入できないような中流~低所得者層をターゲットにしている)が、 LGT Lightstone主導によるラウンドで2600万ドルを獲得したこと、アメリカ拠点の輸送会社Limeがケープタウンで電子スクーターの導入を開始する旨発表したこと、またナイジェリアのスタートアップuLesson(アフリカの学生のニーズに合わせた学習教材に簡単にアクセスできる教育アプリを運営)が2020年2月のナイジェリア、ガーナ、シエラレオネ、ガンビアへの導入に先駆け資金調達に成功した。


Articles on Kenyan mobile commerce platform Copia Global targets Africa’s middle and low-income consumers, a group that formal retail and ecommerce cannot easily reach; has raised $26m in a round led by LGT Lightstone, US based transportation company Lime has announced the launch of its electric scooters in Cape Town, and Nigerian start-up uLesson which has developed an education app where students based in Africa can access simplified teaching material tailored to their learning needs, received the funding prior to its launch which is planned to take place in February 2020 in Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Gambia are introduced..

The news report is filled with exciting local African information.Please enjoy!


(The Baobab Network report 12/7)