8/21 [ZENMONDO Pick up news] M&Aの動向から見えるコロナからの回復

国際法律事務所のPaul Weissより、今年7月の世界的なM&Aの動向をまとめたレポートを共有いたします。




出典:Paul Weiss事務所


8/21 [ZENMONDO Pick up news]  Recovery from coronavirus analyzed from recent M&A trends

International law firm Paul Weiss, shared a report summarizing global M&A trends in July this year.

The M&A market, which had been declining until May due to the effects of COVID-19, seems to show signs of recovery from June according to analysis data.

M&A activity seems to be highly active in the telecommunications industry, which has been attracting attention under COVID-19 crisis.

The world has been stagnant in the world of economics, but the exit may be finally visible.

Source: Paul Weiss
