また、南アフリカの暗号通貨取引所プラットフォームであるVALRがシリーズB資金調達ラウンドで5000万ドルを獲得したニュースや、モロッコのB2B eコマースであるChariが、保険会社Axa Assurance Marocを運営するAxa Creditを2,200万ドルで買収したニュースがなどが紹介されています。
This week, Morrocan B2B supply company that has acquired a credit branch of an insurance company is introduced.
Also the news that South African cryptocurrency exchange platform, VALR, has raised $50 million USD in a Series B funding round, Chari, a Morrocan B2B e-commerce company, has acquired Axa Credit, the lending arm of insurance firm Axa Assurance Maroc, for $22 million USD, and so on are introduced.
The news report is filled with exciting local African information. Please enjoy!
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Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,