11/17 [The Baobab Network 社のアフリカスタートアップ分析レポート]


また、Wapi Payの共同設立者であるEddieとPaul Ndichu兄弟がナイロビのホテルで乱闘騒ぎを起こした動画がソーシャルメディア上で話題になったことを受け、投資家であるKepple Africa Venturesが関係を断ち切ったニュースや、アフリカの初期ステージVCにおけるジェンダーギャップなどが紹介されています。



This week, the dynamics of incorporation and start-ups in Mauritius are introduced.

Also the news that Kepple Africa Ventures have cut ties with their portfolio company, following a video that went viral on social media in which the Wapi Pay co-founders, brothers Eddie and Paul Ndichu, were involved in a scuffle in a Nairobi hotel, Gender gap in early-stage VC in Africa, and so on are introduced.

The news report is filled with exciting local African information. Please enjoy!

Teaser’s full report  is  available for ZENMONDO Club members.  

Please join us and register for ZENMONDO Club at : (http://zenmondo.com/register/

Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,