The Baobab Network

2/1 The Baobab Network Report_The future of gaming in Africa


また、南アフリカの不動産プラットフォームであるFlowは、Futuregrowth Asset Managementが主導するPre-Series Bで450万ドルの資金調達に成功したニュースやカイロ拠点のeスポーツプラットフォームであるGBarenaがチュニジアのGalactechを1500万ドルで買収したニュースなどが紹介されています。

This week, a gaming company closes a round is introduced.

Also the news that Flow, a South African real estate platform, closed $4.5 million USD in a Pre-Series B funding round led by Futuregrowth Asset Management, GBarena, a Cairo-based e-sports platform, acquired Tunisia’s Galactech for $15 million USD, and so on are introduced.

The news report is filled with exciting local African information. Please enjoy!

Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,