4/15 [The Baobab Network 社のアフリカスタートアップ分析レポート] 

今週はBaobab Network社のアナリストによるVC取引を振り返れる四半期資金調達レポートが紹介されています。


・ガーナで地域の薬局を通じヘルスケアへのアクセスを提供している医療診断販売業のRedbirdが COVID-19 Daily Check-in App and Symptom Trackerを開始した、

・スイスの影響力の大きな投資家であるVital Capitalが新型コロナウイルスが大流行している間にも不可欠なサービスを提供しているアフリカの初期段階の会社向けにdebt facilityを開始した、





In this edition, you can sneak peak of the Baobab Network’s upcoming Q1 funding report, which looks back at all the VC deal activity captured by their analysts.

Also,some initiatives launched in Africa to combat the COVID-19 outbreak are introduced as follows;

・Redbird, a medical diagnostics distributor providing access to healthcare in Ghana through community pharmacies, has launched the COVID-19 Daily Check-in App and Symptom Tracker,

・Swiss impact investor Vital Capital has launched a debt facility for early stage companies in Africa that are providing essential services during the COVID-19 outbreak,

・Tala has launched a 605m KES ($5.7m) fund to support Kenyan business during the crisis,

The news report is filled with exciting local African information. 

Teaser’s full report will be available for members through ZENMONDO online community site (Slack).  Please join us in the community!   

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Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,