4/8 [The Baobab Network 社のアフリカスタートアップ分析レポート] 


・ナイジェリアのゲノミクススタートアップ、 54geneがNigerian Centre for Disease ControlおよびUnion Bankと提携を結び、ナイジェリアでのCOVID-19の影響を減らす解決策を探すための研究基金を立ち上げた、

・ナイジェリアのテック投資家 Ventures PlatformがLagos

State ScienceRおよびesearch and Innovation Councilと協力し、COVID-19の解決に挑むスタートアップに対し、研修や資金を提供する「イノベーション・チャレンジ」を立ち上げた、

・南ア政府がCOVID-19による経済的な影響を受けている中小企業を支援するためのDebt Relief Fundを立上げた、




In this edition, some initiatives launched in Africa to combat the COVID-19 outbreak are introduced as follows; 

・Nigerian genomics start-up 54gene has partnered with the Nigerian Centre for Disease

Control and Union Bank to launch a new $500k research fund for solutions that will reduce

the impact of COVID-19 in Nigeria,

・Nigerian tech investor Ventures Platform has teamed up with the Lagos State Science, Research and Innovation Council, launching an innovation challenge that offers training and funding for start-ups building solutions aimed at tackling COVID-19,

・South Africa’s Department of Small Business Development is to establish a Debt Relief Fund to assist small businesses from any economic ramifications of the COVID-19 crisis.

The news report is filled with exciting local African information. Please enjoy!

Teaser’s full report will be available for members through ZENMONDO online community site (Slack).  Please join us in the community!   

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Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,