4/22 [The Baobab Network 社のアフリカスタートアップ分析レポート] 

Standard Bankが南アの燃料管理スタートアップであるPayment24 Groupの40%の株を獲得したニュースが紹介されている他、アフリカでの新型コロナウイルスに対抗する動き(以下抜粋)も引き続き紹介されています。ぜひご覧ください。






Standard Bank has acquired a 40% stake in Payment24 Group, South African fuel management start-up.

Also,some initiatives launched in Africa to combat the COVID-19 outbreak are introduced as follows;

・Nigerian digital consumer banking start-up Kuda has launched a COVID-19 fund to help buy and distribute food and other essentials to people badly affected by the economic impacts of the pandemic in Lagos,

・A team of engineers and clinical anaesthetists with training from UCT’s medical department in South Africa have started to design and produce ventilators,

The news report is filled with exciting local African information. Please enjoy!

Teaser’s full report will be available for members through ZENMONDO online community site (Slack).  Please join us in the community!   

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Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,