7/1 [The Baobab Network 社のアフリカスタートアップ分析レポート] 


また、ケニア拠点のPayGo Energyが日本のエネルギー大手サイサンからの戦略的な投資を確保したニュースや、フィンテックスタートアップのChipper CashがシリーズAラウンドを終了し、事業の拡大やサンフランシスコ・ラゴス・ロンドン・ナイロビ・ニューヨークの国境を超えたオフィスでの雇用に資金を使うといったニュースなどが紹介されています。





In this edition, some highlights from the Baobab’s report on venture funding in North Africa, looking at data and market dynamics from the last three years are shared.The research focuses on trends in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, profiling a number of VC funds and studying the business models of some of the region’s most successful tech companies.

Also, the news that Kenya based PayGo Energy has secured a strategic investment from Japanese energy giant Saisan, and FinTech start-up Chipper Cash has closed a round of Series A and the funds will be used to expand operations and build for scale, hiring up to 30 people across offices in San Francisco, Lagos, London, Nairobi and New York, are introduced.

The news report is filled with exciting local African information. Please enjoy!

Teaser’s full report will be available for members through ZENMONDO online community site (Slack).  Please join us in the community!

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Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,