Chikara Tanigaki
Entrepreneur in the medical industry/digital health: achieves both 0→1/ 1→10

Short CV:
After working at Oracle Japan and studying for his MBA, he joined Medtronic Japan, a medical device manufacturer. Revised the business unit’s view of performance evaluation and improved cost awareness. Achieved significant cost reduction ($9M reduction per year) while improving sales. He was appointed to lead the division head from the third year to manage the entire operation. Then, after serving as Director and COO of a SaaS business venture, he joined H2 Inc. as GM in June 2018 with the vision of “Global from Asia”. He launched a business from scratch in the digital health domain, a new industry, and achieved sales targets in the second and third years. In September 2022, he became CEO of REHASAKU Inc. Through his experience of commercialization and business growth in the digital health field, he has knowledge of the medical industry and various networks.
The most fascinating work is the work that is both behind in IT and overlooked by everyone else.
Enjoy the sense of fulfilment when you are able to take risks and learn a lot in the process, while having a sense of joy and gratitude when you are able to give shape to your work.