Mina Arai-Ito

Mina Arai-Ito

Innovation Strategy Partner / Attorney-at-Law (Foreign Registered Lawyer)


International lawyer
-Founder and CEO at ZENMONDO Co., Ltd. and Managing Parter at Mina Arai-Ito Foreign law Office

-As partner/ Special Counsel at Baker & McKenzie, she led a team of lawyers and other professionals in M&A and other transactions for nearly 30 years, leading a number of major transactions to a success.

-She has worked in Cairo, Brussels, Taipei, Washington DC, Tokyo, and other locations around the world, using her expertise to advise and solve problems.

Business Strategy Advisor
– Her long experience and wide range of activities in many countries in the world have set her apart from other lawyers in the field, and she is able to assist both domestic and foreign companies with their global business and growth strategies.

-As one of the pioneering experts on Middle East and Africa business in Japan, she has shared her knowledge and experience on investment and expansion in the region together with Japanese ministries and embassies in Tokyo.

-She also serves as an independent board member of listed companies in Japan.

Investment Partner
– In recent years, together with embassies in the Middle East and Africa, she has focused on fostering the next generation of business leaders and creating new businesses through open innovation, aiming to take partnership one step further by investing “together” as well as providing hands-on support to these businesses.

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