Yoshiomi Kubota
Technology x Management / Project management that runs closely together with both the company’s management level and the staff level, with experience at McKinsey and VC fund.

Short CV:
Executed venture investments and fund raisings at Global Brain (one of the largest independent venture capital firms in Japan). Worked as a project manager at McKinsey & Company’s Tokyo office, providing strategic consulting services to global companies in Japan and overseas, mainly in the information and telecommunications and high-tech fields. Worked as a consultant at European strategy consulting firm Roland Berger, providing management consulting services to large corporations. Worked as a system sales representative for financial institutions at IT Business Group, Hitachi, Ltd. Founded Japan Strategy Consultants Co., Ltd. (consulting and AI services). Specializes in providing support that smoothly connects the front-line and management levels, and provides management/IT consulting services to large corporations and venture companies, as well as AI-based services.
Bachelor of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
I have been working as a project manager for setting up many new businesses and new services. I would like to help businesses and people grow.