3/5 [The Baobab Network 社のアフリカスタートアップ分析レポート] 


その他、南アフリカの教育テック企業であるSnapplifyが南アフリカ教育者評議会(SACE)・ベルギーの非営利団体VVOB(開発のための教育)と共同で、無料のデジタルライブラリーを立ち上げたニュースや起業家精神とインパクト投資に焦点を当てた地域最大の包括的開発プラットフォームであるThe Sankalp Africa Summitが、オンラインに向けて進むことを発表したニュースなどが紹介されています。





This week, AI-Health Tech start-ups in Africa and a Kenyan Health Tech looking to make accessing healthcare more affordable are introduced.

Also the news that South African EdTech company Snapplify, The South African Council for Educators (SACE) along with VVOB(education for development), a Belgian non-profit organization have worked together to launch a free digital library, The Sankalp Africa Summit, the region’s largest annual inclusive development platform focused on entrepreneurship and impact investing, has announced it is heading online, and so on are introduced.


The news report is filled with exciting local African information. Please enjoy!

Teaser’s full report  is  available for ZENMONDO Club members.

Please join us and register for ZENMONDO Club at : (https://zenmondo.com/en/register/


Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,