5/12 [The Baobab Network 社のアフリカスタートアップ分析レポート] 


また、ケニアのKidatoが3月のY-Combinatorとの契約に続き、Learn Start CapitalやLaunch Africa Ventures、Graph Ventures、Century Oak Capitalなどから1400万ドルの投資を受けたと発表したことや、Twiga Foodsがアフリカでの事業拡大を継続するために、東アフリカ地域の新CEOにYebeltal Getachew氏を任命し、現CEOのPeter Njonjo氏をグループCEOに昇格させたニュースなどが紹介されています。





This week, Amazon’s plan to increase its footprint in South Africa is introduced.

Also the news that With the ink barely dry from their Y-Combinator deal in March, Kenya’s Kidato has announced a $1.4 million USD investment led by Learn Start Capital, Launch AfricaVentures, Graph Ventures and Century Oak Capital, Twiga Foods has announced the appointment of a new East Africa CEO, Yebeltal Getachew, and moved current CEO Peter Njonjo into the role of GroupCEO to continue their expansion across Africa, and so on are introduced.

The news report is filled with exciting local African information. Please enjoy!


Teaser’s full report  is  available for ZENMONDO Club members.

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Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,