5/21 [The Baobab Network 社のアフリカスタートアップ分析レポート]


また、ナイジェリアのFlutterwaveとケニアのGro Intelligenceが、世界の革新的かつ先駆的な企業を表彰するTIME誌の「100 most influential companies」に選出されたニュースやGIZエジプトがEndure Capital、MSMEDA、Changelabsと提携し、エジプトの技術系起業家を支援するために、ファンドマネージャー育成や初めてのVCファンド指導等を目的にVC大学プログラムを設立すると発表したニュースなどが紹介されています。





This week, big partnership announcement between the Ethiopian Government and leading global Blockchain company IOHK is introduced.

Also the news that Nigeria’s Flutterwave and Kenya’s Gro Intelligence have made TIME Magazine’s 100 most influential companies list, an annual celebration of innovative and pioneering companies across the globe, GIZ Egypt has partnered with Endure Capital, MSMEDA, and Changelabs

to announce the launch of the VC University programme, to train and mentor prospective fund managers and first-time VC funds focused on supporting Egypt’s tech entrepreneurs, and so on are introduced.

The news report is filled with exciting local African information. Please enjoy!


Teaser’s full report  is  available for ZENMONDO Club members.

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Source: The Baobab Network Ltd,